Breast Cancer: Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Surgery, Cost, Procedure & Recovery

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells that lead to tumors spreading to other parts of the body. It is the most common kind of cancer among women and may also be found in men.
Today, we at, shall brief you on breast cancer, breast cancer causes, breast cancer risk factors, and breast cancer types. We will also give you information on the symptoms of breast cancer, treatments available for breast cancer, and its success rates.

Particulars Details
Breast cancer surgery cost in India 6,800 USD – 7, 8000 USD
Discount 10% on the above quoted price (final hospital’s bill) ONLY APPLICABLE ONLY FOR patients
Click here for exceptions and terms.
Number of days at hospital (Estimated) 3 days
Number of days in India outside hospital (Estimated) 10-14 days
Treatment’s Success Rate 86-99%
Tests required to help assess the treatment Imaging tests (MRI and
mammography), physical
exam, biopsy, and genomic
cell test.

What is covered in the above mentioned cost for surgery?

This breast cancer surgery price in India includes surgery cost, doctor’s fee, standard prescribed tests and all standard expenses required at the hospital.

About the breast

The human breast consists of lobes, lobules, bulbes, and ducts. In each breast, there are 15-20 lobes arranged in a circular manner. Each lobe is attached to smaller structures called lobules which then end in the tiny bulbs responsible for milk production.

The ducts link the lobes, lobules, and bulbs together and connect it to the nipple located at the center of areola. Although muscles lie in between each breast and lungs, there are no muscles in the breast.

Breast cancer 

Breast cancer begins when there is an uncontrolled growth of healthy cells within the breasts. These extra cells form a heap or a layer of tissues, which if malignant, begin to spread to other areas of the breast.

The easiest way to detect this mass of tissue is through lump formation which is evident and visible to the naked eye. But most lumps found through this procedure are non-malignant, or non-cancerous. Therefore, a lump does not necessarily mean that you have breast cancer.

Malignant tumors spread to other areas of the breasts and body through blood vessels. At first, their spread is to the lymph nodes in the breast which are located under the arm. There are groups of lymph nodes distributed throughout the body and they function in fighting off infection. After this, they begin to spread to other areas of the body such as the bones, the lungs, and the brain.

Cancer that has originated in the breast region and has begun to spread to other areas of the body, is referred to as metastatic cancer or secondary cancer. Secondary cancer  implies that the cancer has its origin elsewhere than where it is found. For instance, if cancer originating from the throat  is found in the lungs, it will be referred to as metastatic cancer of the lungs.

Causes of breast cancer

There is no specific cause of breast cancer. Research suggests that there is a genetic as well as an environmental component.

Risk factors involving breast cancer

Breast cancer related risk factors contribute to making a person more prone for developing breast cancer. But there is no direct link between risk factor and cancer development. Some people develop breast cancer even without any prevalent risk factors whereas some people with all the risk factors never develop breast cancer.

Regardless of this, it is important to know the risk factors. This is because an earlier diagnosis becomes possible  once a person becomes aware of all the risk factors.

The various risk factors of breast cancer are;-

  • Advanced age.
  • Family history of breast cancer.
  • Inherited gene mutation.
  • Being a female.
  • Obesity.
  • Radiation exposure.

Types of breast cancer

In most cases, breast cancer originates in the ducts or lobules of the breast. They are referred to as ductal carcinoma and lobular carcinoma, respectively. These are non-invasive kinds of cancer which lie within the ducts and lobules of the breast.

Apart from non-invasive types, there is the invasive kind which is defined by the spread of cells to other areas of the breasts. The various kinds of breast cancer are as follows:-

  1. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) –  Also known as ductal carcinoma, they originate in the milk ducts and are confined to it.
  2. Invasive ductal carcinoma– Also known as infiltrating ductal carcinoma, they are cancer that has spread outside the milk ducts and began to infiltrate other areas.
  3. Lobular carcinoma– Lobular carcinoma is a type of cancer which originates in the lobules. They are invasive cancers that will spread to other parts of the breast.

  1. Inflammatory breast cancer– This is the most aggressive kind of invasive breast cancer. Here the extra cells infiltrate and block the lymph vessels of the breast’s skin. It is a rarely occurring kind of cancer and is symptomized by changes in the breast skin.
  2. Paget’s disease of the breast– This is a rare kind of breast cancer which is invasive and is found beneath the tissues of the nipple area. Since it starts in the nipple, it is symptomized by changes in the nipple area that are similar to eczema.
  3. Medullary breast carcinoma– Medullary breast carcinoma is a kind of invasive ductal carcinoma originating in the milk ducts. It is symptomized by soft and fleshy lumps which may vary in size because the cancer cells divide and grow rapidly in this subtype.
  4. Mucinous breast carcinoma- Also known as colloid carcinoma, this kind of cancer is characterized by cancer tissues floating in the mucin around the breast region. The mucin is part of mucus, found in different parts of the body. In mucinous breast cancer, the cancer cells produce the mucin and float in pools.
  5. Tubular breast carcinoma- This is a kind of invasive ductal breast cancer that is very rare. They are less aggressive as the cells divide and grow at a slower rate.
  6. Metaplastic breast carcinoma- Metaplastic breast cancer is invasive ductal cancer originating in the milk ducts. It is characterized by its special ability to change forms. This kind of breast cancer has the tendency to behave aggressively but is not always aggressive.
  7. Papillary breast carcinoma- This is a very rare type of breast cancer that originates in the milk producing ducts. Most of the tumors are benign with a tendency to turn malignant anytime. It is therefore best to remove a papillary breast tumor. It is more responsive to treatment than other types.

Symptoms of breast cancer

Usually breast cancer doesn’t have any evident symptoms. However if any changes are perceived in the breast region, one must be careful. Consult the doctor if:-

  • There is lump formation. Lumps are mostly found under the arm but a thorough check up is important to find it’s presence elsewhere.
  • Sudden nipple discharge. Sometimes the discharge may be bloody.
  • Physical changes like an inverted nipple.
  • Skin irritation.
  • Change in breast size and shape.
  • Changes in breast appearance such as swelling and redness.
  • Breast pain that persists.
  • Other kinds of changes such as breast skin creases or breast skin scaliness.

Tests required to diagnose breast cancer

Depending on the symptoms, medical history, age, health, and the kind of cancer suspected, the doctor recommends the tests.

At the first stage, a clinical mammogram is suggested. Alongside this, a physical examination is done to look out for lumps under the arms.

In the second phase, a diagnostic mammography is done. It is a more advanced imaging test than normal mammography. Along with this, ultrasound and MRI is also required.

A biopsy is the final test that determines whether a tumor is cancerous or not. A biopsy is either conducted through a fine or a core needle. This needle is inserted into the body and a tissue sample from the tumor is extracted for examination.

The biopsy sample is examined to determine if the tumor is invasive or non-invasive. The evaluation is necessary for determining the course of treatment, medications to be given, and the rate of it’s recurrence.

If the third step confirms cancer, then a genomic test is suggested to determine the specific characteristic of the tumor. It usually determines if the cancer has specific genes which in turn helps determine the specific kind of cancer. There are different tests suggested for people below 60 years and people above 60 years.

Alongside these tests, different kinds of blood tests such as CBC (complete blood count) and Hepatitis B tests are prescribed.

Types of treatment for breast cancer

In order to treat breast cancers, staging is very important which reveals the expanse of the cancer and the size of the tumor.

Breast Cancer staging

Staging helps the doctor to determine cancer stage, provide treatment, and predict the chances of recovery. Most doctors prescribe diagnostics tests to determine the cancer stage. They resort to the TNM staging system to determine which of the five stages does the cancer belong to. The TNM staging system consists of:-

  • T (tumor)– This refers to the determination of the length and size of the tumor. Questions such as how large is the primary tumor or what are its biomarkers, are answered through this.
  • N (nodes)– This refers to the determination of the cancer’s spread to the lymph nodes. Questions such as where has the tumor spread into the lymph nodes and what are its sizes, are answered through this.
  • M (metastasis)– This determines whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body or not.

After determining these conditions, the doctor categorizes the cancer in any one of the five stages. They are:-

  • Stage zero– This refers to the stage where the cancer is in its most initial phase, confined to the walls of the ducts. This is also  known as non-invasive or pre-invasive DCIS, stage zero breast.

  • Stage I– This refers to the stage where the cancerous tumor is less than 2cm and has not spread to the lymph nodes and blood vessels, or other parts.
  • Stage II– This refers to the stage where the cancerous tumor is between 2cm and 5cm but has not spread to the lymph nodes. Sometimes the tumor may be smaller than 2cm but spreads to the lymph nodes. It may also be larger than 5cm without any spread to the lymph nodes. These situations would still be categorized to the second stage specifically.
  • Stage III– This stage refers to the situations in which the cancerous tumor has begun spreading to the skin, chest wall, and lymph nodes. This is a “locally advanced breast cancer stage” where the tumor, regardless of its size, has spread to the other parts of the breasts.
  • Stage IV– This is the last stage where the cancerous tumor, regardless of its size, has begun to spread into the other parts of the body such as the bones, the lungs, the liver, or the brain.

The stages encapsulate the beginning of cancer confined to the duct walls to metastasis, the last stage. Here the TNM staging system, which has more subsections under T, N, and M, is the primary point of reference for all doctors in determining the stage and recommending proper treatment for chances of recovery.

Treatment plan for breast cancer

The treatment plan depends on:-

  • Breast cancer staging
  • Hormone receptor status
  • HER2 status
  • Genomic test results
  • The patient’s overall health

After the test results, a team of doctors from multiple disciplines create an appropriate treatment plan. These plans are usually ‘standard’, meaning it has been done before. Against this, a patient may also choose the ‘clinical trial’ method, meaning that they are open to any new ways of cancer treatment.

Breast cancer surgery

This multidisciplinary team recommends surgery in the case of non-invasive breast cancer or early stage breast cancer, which is invasive. There are various kinds of surgeries.

The smaller the tumor, the larger the choices of surgery. These different kinds of surgeries are lumpectomy which involves partial breast removal and mastectomy which involves complete breast removal.

The aim of the surgery is complete removal of the tumor. However in most cases, some of them are left behind. If these can be treated with surgery, then another surgical intervention is suggested. If not, then medications along with radiation and chemotherapy is recommended.

Cancer patients after a lumpectomy or mastectomy, may want to consider reconstructive plastic surgery. Prosthetic breast forms are another option among patients unwilling to consider reconstructive plastic surgery.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is usually given by a radiation oncologist. This is either conducted before or after surgery. If it is conducted before surgery, it is termed as neoadjuvant radiation therapy. The aim is to make the surgical removal of tumor easier. This process shrinks the tumor through radiation beams.

If it is conducted, it is termed as adjuvant radiation therapy. Its aim is to remove the extra cells which surgery is unable to. Usually it is given after chemotherapy and mastectomy.


Chemotherapy involves using drugs to destroy cancer cells. Its job is to prevent further growth of cancer cells, and to make the surgical process easy. It may be given after surgery as well as a preventative measure for the cancer’s return.

Hormonal therapy

This therapy is the use of medicine to decrease the amount of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) that contribute to cancer cells growth in hormone receptor positive patients.

Targeted therapy

Targeted therapy on the other hand is used in patients who have tested HER2 positive. These medications aim at specific gene mutations.

Side effects of breast cancer treatment

The side-effects of breast cancer treatments are:-

  • Scarring of the breast and changes in breast shape and size resulting from surgery.
  • Lymphedema or the unusual tissue build-up that results from the removal of lymph nodes.
  • Breathlessness, dry cough, and chest pain resulting from radiation therapy.
  • Heart problems from chemotherapy.
  • Increased risk for uterine cancer from hormone therapy.

Alongside this, there are other side-effects. These are depression, anxiety, fatigue, mood swings, joint pain, etc.

These side-effects are subjective, it is important to speak with the doctor first. It is with the doctor’s suggestion that a proper management of side-effects can be carried out.

When breast cancer is diagnosed in its initial or the zero stage, it is possible to completely cure it. However, in later stages, with progression of technology and research, the survival rate for breast cancer is upto five years. In all stages of cure, there is always the possibility for its return.

How can help?

If you have decided to travel to India for Breast Cancer, you may contact us on our Whatsapp number +91 9818237391 or email us at The first consultation arranged by us is free of cost! We also provide visa invitation letters and help in facilitating the medical journey to India.

Throughout the journey, you shall be provided with one of our staff members for proper guidance through linguistic barriers, even though most of the hospitals and doctors we feature are well versed with Arabic, Russian,Bengali, and English.

If you have any further queries or questions related to  Breast Cancer surgery  in India, please do not hesitate to email us at the aforementioned address.

Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Cancer

What are the symptoms of breast cancer?

The most common symptom of breast cancer is the formation of a lump. However, not all breast lumps are cancerous.

What are the biological risk factors for breast cancer?

The various risk factors for developing breast cancer are: advanced age, inherited gene mutation, a family history of breast cancer.

What are the different kinds of Abdominoplasty surgery?

There are many different kinds of abdominoplasty. The most common ones are complete abdominoplasty, partial abdominoplasty, and circumferential abdominoplasty.

What causes breast cancer?

There is no research available which highlights the causes of breast cancer. But there is an element of biological and environmental conditions that may lead to breast cancer.

What is the most common kind of breast cancer?

The most common type of breast cancer is inflammatory breast cancer.

Is there any cure for breast cancer?

With proper medical research and breast cancer awareness, there is a cure for breast cancer. The cure is aimed at controlling cell growth.

Does smoking cause breast cancer?

Recent research has proven that primary and secondary smoking increases the chances of developing many kinds of cancer, including breast cancer.

Can a healthy diet prevent breast cancer?

A healthy diet may help keep one’s obesity in check which is one of the risk factors for breast cancer.

Can breastfeeding reduce breast cancer chances?

There are studies that show that pregnancy and breastfeeding reduces the risk of developing breast cancer.

What is suggested for an early diagnosis of breast cancer?

For people with an advanced age above fifty, a mammography on an annual basis could help in the long run. For people who are younger, a BSE (breast self exam) once a month is sufficient.

How long does the treatment plan last for breast cancer?

The treatment plan lasts for up to five years.

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