Breast Cancer Surgery in India for Foreigners

Breast Cancer Surgery in India for Foreigners

Did you know that breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the world? Although getting diagnosed with any type of cancer can be scary, it is crucial to get proper treatment at the earliest to have the best results.

Depending on the advancement of cancer, a common step in treating breast cancer is often getting breast cancer surgery. This may be suggested based on the patient’s condition and their response to other types of treatment.

There are different types of breast cancer including lumpectomy, which removes individual tumors, or mastectomy, which may involve the removal of affected tissues or chest muscles.

Before any treatment is suggested to the patient, multiple factors are taken into account. This includes the type of breast cancer that the patient has, how advanced it is, other prevalent health conditions, and age.

Breast Cancer Surgery in India

Over the years, India has emerged as one of the top destinations for people seeking medical treatment. Due to its low-cost treatments and world-class facilities, people from all across the world come to India to get treated.

Every year, India welcomes over 2 million patients from across 78 countries. For most patients, it is their first time visiting India, and they are unfamiliar with the language and the medical procedures. In such cases, it is better to come through a medical tourism company like MyMedTrip so they get personalized care and attention.

How Can MyMedTrip Help You?

 We are proud to be one of the leading healthcare tourism companies in India. Over the years, we have helped thousands of patients travel to India and get successfully treated and we can help you too. Here are some of the services that we exclusively offer to our patients.

  1. Get your questions answered by top doctors

Send us the patient’s medical reports and queries online. We will get the best doctors to address them and suggest suitable treatment options.

  1. Find affordable accommodation

Finding affordable accommodation in a foreign country can be daunting. We will find a hotel that is suitable, safe, and budget-friendly.

  1. Personalised pick-and-drop service

You do not have to worry about the hassle of booking a cab or commuting to the hospital. We will arrange a personal pick-and-drop service for the patient and their attendant for every appointment.

  1. Dedicated MyMedTrip staff member

An experienced staff member from MyMedTrip will accompany you throughout the journey, ensuring a smoother and safer journey for you.

Care After Breast Cancer Surgery

After the surgery, the patient may be discharged with an external drainage device to help with fluid collection from the surgery site. It is usually removed within 1 to 3 weeks.

The patient will also need a special bra to hold the chest bandages after the surgery. For all of these things and more like exercises and skin care, the patient may need to visit the doctor frequently in the initial weeks after the surgery.

Although breast cancer surgery done by top breast cancer surgeons in India is safe, there is always a chance of infection or blood/fluid buildup. It is important to communicate the symptoms and go see the doctor as soon as possible. Having MyMedTrip’s representative with you can help make the journey go smoothly.


Why Should You Choose MyMedTrip?

Navigating cultural differences, unfamiliar surroundings, and language barriers can pose significant challenges when traveling to a different country. These obstacles become even more intimidating when seeking medical treatment.

At MyMedTrip, our main objective is to make the whole journey easier for the patient so they can return home healthier and happier. To ensure that, our representative will accompany you throughout the journey, help with appointments and communication with the doctor and everything else you need.

Over the years, we have helped countless patients and have gained valuable insights into their needs. India offers world-class treatment at affordable rates and we are dedicated to helping you throughout the way.

If you are a patient or know someone who needs to travel to India for treatment, drop us a message today and we will do the rest.

MyMedTrip is a well-known healthcare and medical tourism company. We are offering complete medical tourism services in India for foreign patients. People come to India for medical treatment mostly from African countries- Kenya, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda etc.  We also provide free medical consulting online with appointment in the best hospitals with top doctors in India. Some of our main medical tourism services are kidney transplant cost, spine surgery, liver transplant cost, lung transplant, BMT hospitals, best kidney transplant hospital in India, cancer hospitals, knee replacement surgery cost, heart surgeons, hip replacement surgery cost, orthopedic hospitals, best orthopedic surgeon in India, heart treatment shoulder replacement surgery, skin cancer,  brain tumor surgery, knee surgery, best hospital for ovarian cancer treatment in India,  top heart hospital in India, cancer treatment, breast cancer surgery cost in India, eye treatment, bone marrow transplant cost, liver cancer, best cardiologist in India etc.

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