Dr. Syed Hassan Mustafa

Paediatrics & Neonatology
Dr. Syed Hassan Mustafa
HOD & Senior Consultant MBBS, DCH, MD, MRCP, MRCD
Years of experience: 40 years
Speciality: Paediatrics & Neonatology
Free Consultation: For Consultation, Send Us Your Medical Reports By WhatsApp at +91 9818 2373 91
Note: Valid Only For Non-Indian Nationals Seeking Treatment in India

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    About the Doctor

    Dr. Syed Hassan Mustafa did his basic Paediatric training at Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, A.M.U. , Aligarh, UP. He did his Diploma in Child Health as a prelude to appear in examination for admission to MD. He was ranked 2nd in DCH Examination. He appeared in All India competition for admission to MD and successfully got the admission. He passed M.D.( Paed.) in 1st attempt from J.N. Medical College, A.M.U., Aligarh. After that, he went to Iran and joined MOH hospital as Specialist Paediatrician at Iran by Borujerd . He later went to work in Dubai MOH as a Paediatric Specialist. After working there for a few years he went to Milton Keynes Hospital, London and successfully passed the Membership exam. of Royal College Of Physicians ( Paed.) London, UK.


    • Paediatrics & Neonatology


    • As a Medical Professional, He has written 5 papers which have been published in National and International Journals
    • He presented a paper in Asian Regional Congress at Kualalumpur in Malaysia
    • He has successfully done a certificate course of Advanced Paediatric Life Support conducted by American Heart Association
    • He has attended several workshops / Training Programmes / Conferences & Seminars nationally and internationally
    • He took an active part in CME lectures in UAE. and at Bensups Hospital, Dwarka
    • Stood 2nd in merit in PMT at Aligarh University
    • Received two Merit Scholarships during MBBS course for holding positions in order of merit
    • Stood 2nd in merit in DCH. Examination

    Frequently Asked Questions About Pediatrics

    How often should my child see the Pediatrician?

    Your child should not only see the pediatrician for an illness. It is also important to schedule well-child-care exams regularly, beginning in infancy. Also called well-care visits or checkups, these routine examinations provide the best opportunity for the doctor to observe the progress of your child’s physical and mental growth and development; to counsel and teach parents; to detect problems through screening tests; to provide immunizations, and to get to know one another. Well-care visits are strongly recommended as part of preventive pediatric care.

    When should I start feeding my baby solid foods?

    Solid foods need to be introduced to ensure that your baby gets proper nutrition around 6 months of age. Ask your doctor about when when to introduce solid foods and how to do it.

    When should you seek emergency care for your child?

    It is crucial to understand the signs and symptoms of illnesses, especially if you have a young child. Seek medical care if you notice any unusual signs such as shortness of breath or difficulty to breath, difficulty to urinate, high fever, frequent crying, change in skin color, or presence of unusual rashes. Get to the hospital if your child swallows any object or accidentally gets something stuck in his/her ear, nose, and throat.

    Is it necessary to visit a Pediatrician during pregnancy?

    Yes, a visit to the Pediatrician’s clinic can play a significant role in your journey of parenthood. He/ She can offer valuable guidance regarding the child’s development. Once you are well aware of your child’s development, you can easily track his/her growth. It will not just guide you for parenthood, but also help you to establish a healthy relationship with your child.

    Can a Pediatrician offer consultation about vaccination plans for your child?

    Yes, a Pediatrician can offer a vaccination plan for your child. It is important to follow a vaccination schedule to keep your child healthy. A doctor will explain to you the details of every vaccination. If some vaccine may have any minor side effects, a pediatrician will equip you with such relevant information.

    How can a Pediatrician help with your child’s overall health?

    Yes, a Pediatrician can offer a vaccination plan for your child. It is important to follow a vaccination schedule to keep your child healthy. A doctor will explain to you the details of every vaccination. If some vaccine may have any minor side effects, a pediatrician will equip you with such relevant information.

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