Spinal Fusion Surgery: Types, Uses, Procedure, Cost and Recovery

Spine Fusion Surgery with Cost

A spine fusion surgery is an orthopaedic surgical procedure done to address painful symptoms of diseased or degenerated bones. In a spine fusion surgery, two or more bones are joined together into one long bone with the help of screws.

We at MyMedTrip.com shall brief you on this surgery and inform you about its procedures. Through this article, we also hope to address some questions you may be having such as what is the success rate of spine fusion surgery or what is the spine fusion surgery cost.

Apart from imparting this information on spine fusion surgery success rate and cost, we will also share with you some pictures of  this surgery to help you better understand the procedure.

Particulars Details
Cost for Spine Fusion Surgery in India US$ 6,000 to 10,000 (depending on the medical case of the patient)
Discount 10% on the above quoted price (final hospital’s bill) ONLY APPLICABLE ONLY FOR MyMedTrip.com patients
Click here for exceptions and terms.
Number of days at hospital (Estimated) 2-3 days
Number of days in India outside hospital (Estimated) 10-14 days
Treatment’s Success Rate 98% and above
Tests required to help assess the treatment MRI, X- ray, and preoperative
blood tests.

What is covered in the above mentioned cost for surgery?

This price includes surgery cost, doctor’s fee, standard prescribed tests and all standard expenses required at the hospital.

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Spine Fusion Surgery

Spine fusion surgery helps alleviate symptoms associated with arthritic conditions such as inflammation or persistent pain.

About The Spine

The spine consists of small and flexible bones at the centre, known as the vertebrae. This constitutes the spinal column. This is then surrounded and supported by the spinal cord and additional nerves that act as neurotransmitters to the brain.

The spinal column and the nerves are held together in the spinal canal. Within the column, along the vertebrae, are the facet joints. These are connective tissues consisting of cartilage that allow the spine to move with flexibility.

The vertebrae also consists of small discs placed in between each small bone that act as a cushion and absorb pressure. They further support the flexibility of the spine.

The conditions treated by spine fusion surgery

The various conditions treated by spine fusion surgery nare:-

1. Degenerative disc disease


2. Degenerative disc disease (DDD) occurs when the damage of the discs is enough to impact the spine’s anatomical structure. The major cause of this is assumed to be the loss of proteins from fluids in the discs that result in lesser fluid volume causing the disc to wear out.

As a result, the spaces between the vertebrae are reduced. DDD may be mild or severe, and can lead to other diseases such as arthritis or scoliosis. One of the most common symptoms is pain, especially while sitting or standing for a longer duration. Treatment would start from physical therapy and end in surgical intervention when physiotherapy fails.

3. Spondylolisthesis

Spondylolisthesis is the displacement of a vertebra into another vertebra. It affects the lower vertebrae and occurs when the spinal disc shifts forward with one of the lower vertebrae slipping into another beneath it.

The cause behind this is both genetic and environmental. Its symptoms become evident in extreme lower back pain, stiffness in the back and legs, thigh pain, and lower back tenderness. Treatments include back braces, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medicines, and injections.

4. Scoliosis

Scoliosis occurs when the normal curvature of the spine is bent sideways due to genetic or environmental factors. The curve could either be mild or degenerate causing difficulty in breathing or moving around.

Scoliosis is a rare disease that mostly occurs among women. It begins to become evident between the ages of 10-20. The symptoms include constipation caused by tightening of the intestines at the bottom, restricted movement, and pain in the back from top to bottom.

Its treatment depends on the degree to which the spine has lost its posture and ranges from physical exercises, braces, and medicines. The failure of this requires surgery.

5. Spinal stenosis 

Spinal stenosis affects people mostly over the age of 50. Here, the spinal canal narrows down due to other underlying causes such as arthritis or herniated discs. There are two kinds of stenosis occurring in either the neck area or the back area.

Stenosis of the neck is called cervical stenosis.

Stenosis of the back is called lumbar stenosis. Symptoms include pain in the lower back that travels through the buttocks down the legs, weakness in the legs, loss of bladder and bowel control, pain from the spine to arms, and tingling and numbness in arms and legs.

Treatment includes painkillers, antidepressants, muscle relaxants, anti-seizure medicines, and anesthetic injections to numb the area of the pain. Surgical intervention is done only when the pain cannot be managed.

6. Kyphosis 

Kyphosis is an abnormality in the thoracic or sacrum areas where a convex curvature appears. This is a secondary disease generally caused due to degenerative disc disease, osteoporosis, multiple myeloma, a sudden injury, or other developmental diseases.

The most common cause for Kyphosis is scheuermann’s disease, where skeletal problem causes the vertebrae to grow unevenly. Treatments include braces, physical therapy,and/or surgery.

7. Lordosis

Lordosis is concave curvature and occurs in the lumbar or cervical areas. Lordosis in the lumbar region is more common than cervical lordosis. Symptoms include a feeling of numbness, weakness, tingling, and bladder problems.

Treatments include anti-inflammatory medicines and physical therapy. In severe cases, surgery is the only option.

8. Spinal disc herniation

A spinal disc herniation is caused by a sudden injury, excessive straining of the discs or the surrounding connective tissues. This causes a tear in the disc ring making the vertebrae bulge out.

When this occurs, chemicals are released from the torn disc ring causing inflammation. The other symptoms include excessive lower back pain, a tingling sensation that extends from the affected part, and physical disability.

Treatments begin with the prescription of non-steroid anti-inflammatory medicines and injection of corticosteroid infused with anesthesia in the epidural area of the spinal cord. These are however short-term treatments. Surgical intervention may be required if the short-term treatments fail to improve movement and reduce pain.

9. Spinal tumor

When the tumor originating in the spine is cancerous, surgical procedures such as spine fusion surgery is recommended. It is not only to correct the abnormal growth but also to relieve the person from persistent back pain, neck pain, bladder problems, bowel problems, and difficulty in movement.

A surgery stabilizes the spine, reduces the tumor’s symptoms, and improves the quality of life.

Tests for spine fusion surgery

The doctor recommends spinal fusion surgery when nonsurgical treatments have failed. Usually a week prior to the surgery, the doctor would ask for:-

  •  Preoperative blood tests
  • Spinal x-rays
  • MRI
  • CT-scan
  • ECG

Once the candidate is cleared for surgery, there are two ways by which the spine fusion surgery will be performed. One is anterior fusion where the incision is made from the front and the other is posterior fusion where the incision is made from the back. The choice of technique depends on the location and reason of the fusion, and the person’s other health conditions.

Spine fusion surgical procedure

The surgery commences under general anesthesia and takes several hours. An incision is made either directly in the spine through the neck or back, from sideways via right or left side, or from the front through abdomen.

Following this, the surrounding muscles are removed to access the spine. Once this becomes visible, the damaged and painful discs are removed. A bone graft, taken from the patient or donor’s pelvis, is placed along with supporting materials such as metal rods, screws, or plates.

Sometimes the doctor may even use synthetic materials that catalyze the process of synthesizing. These materials help hold the vertebrae together till the time when the graft fuses with the vertebrae and forms a longer solid bone.

Recovery after spine fusion surgery

After the surgery, the patient is kept under observation till the effect of anesthesia wears off.  Following this, there is a hospital stay of three-four days during which the patient’s response to the surgery is observed.

The patient may wake with pain, swelling, and discomfort. However, painkillers will be prescribed when this occurs. In addition to this, the patient will be taught new ways of movement after the surgery. The patient is also advised to follow a special diet. Normal diet may resume after two weeks when the wounds have begun to heal or have already healed.

The patient’s adaptability to the new methods of movement, decides when he/she will be discharged. At this time, the patients are provided with hip braces to hold up the spine in its place.

It takes over a month for the bone graft to fuse with the vertebrae, after which normal activities may be resumed with the advice of the physiotherapist. Complete recovery may range from three months up to the sixth.

Risks involved in the spine fusion surgery

As with any other surgeries, there are risks in this kind of surgery as well. The doctor must be consulted prior to the surgery with regards to the possible risks. Some of the risks are:-

1. Failed back surgery syndrome

This refers to the failure of the spinal fusion surgery to treat back pain problems. It is one of the most common risks. The chances of developing this syndrome increases with increased complications, such as in the case of fusion surgeries of three or more levels.

2. Infection

The rate of infection of a spinal fusion surgery is 2-3%. Sometimes, infections in the bloodstream due to some other condition such as a deep cut, leads to infection in the wounded area. Redness, tenderness, swelling, wound drainage, and high fever constitute the symptoms of infections.

Consult the doctor immediately in such cases. One must also consult the doctor if there is the requirement for another surgery such as a dental one, immediately after spinal fusion surgery.

3. Blood clot

The patient will be prescribed medicine to prevent blood clot and rehabilitative therapy will reduce the chances of such. However, blood clots may be formed in the thigh, calf, or pelvis.

Sometimes the clot may travel up to the lungs and heart and cause serious damage. Therefore, consult the doctor at once if there appears to be any large patches around the affected area.

4. Nerve damage

As with any other surgical intervention, nerve damage is a possible risk. Sometimes, nerves are hit during the ongoing surgery. The symptoms of such are tingling feeling, feeling of weakness, and inflammation in the damaged area. Physiotherapy may help alleviate the symptoms.

5. Pseudarthrosis

This is a bone fracture that results from performing physical tasks immediately after the surgery. Other underlying causes include smoking, diabetes, and advanced age.

6. Poor wound healing

This occurs when the wound is not cleaned properly. The surgical site must be dry and clean at all times. The surgeon may provide the candidate with special ointments for cleaning the wound. Care must be taken while doing activities such as bathing, to keep the wound dry.

One must call the doctor immediately if the candidate has high fever, drainage from the surgical site and a persistent pain that is severe. The surgeon must be visited immediately, especially because the risks of developing “failed back surgery syndrome” are the highest.

A spine fusion surgery is not the cure for any diseases but is rather a measure taken to address the symptoms. It is very much possible for a patient to develop more symptoms associated with the disease in the near future. However, the impact of the symptoms will be lesser than before. In case it becomes severe, another surgical intervention may be required.

How can MyMedTrip.com help you?

Once you have decided to travel to India for this surgery, you may contact us on our Whatsapp number +91 9818237391 or email us at hi@mymedtrip.com. The first consultation arranged by us is free of cost!

We also provide visa invitation letters and help in facilitating the medical journey to India. Throughout the journey, you shall be provided with one of our staff members for proper guidance through linguistic barriers.

Although, most of the hospitals and doctors we feature are well versed with Arabic, Russian, and English. If you have any further queries or questions related to spine fusion surgery in India, please do not hesitate to email us at the aforementioned address.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Spine fusion surgery

What is spine fusion surgery?

Spine fusion surgery is an orthopaedic procedure done to address symptoms of the spine. This surgery fuses one or more vertebrae together into one long bone. By eliminating the need to move, it aims to address painful symptoms that develop when a diseased condition makes movement painful.

What conditions does spine fusion surgery treat?

A spine fusion surgery is aimed at addressing the symptoms of various conditions. They are conditions associated with degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis, or spinal disc herniation.

What is degenerative disc disease?

A degenerative disc disease occurs when there is damage to the discs in the spinal structure. This damage ought to be enough to impact the spine’s anatomical structure

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis occurs when the normal curvature of the spine gets bent sideways. The curve could either be mild or degenerate into severe causing difficulty in breathing or moving around.

What is lordosis?

Lordosis is concave curvature and occurs in the lumbar or cervical areas. Lordosis in the lumbar region is more common than cervical lordosis.

What is kyphosis?

Kyphosis is an abnormality in the thoracic or sacrum areas where a convex curvature appears

What is spinal disc herniation?

A spinal disc herniation is caused by a sudden injury, excessive straining of the discs or the surrounding connective tissues. This causes a tear in the disc ring making the vertebrae bulge out.

What are the tests required for spine fusion surgery?

The tests that are required before a spine fusion surgery are MRI, X-ray, preoperative blood tests, and an ECG.

What kind of anesthesia is administered for spine fusion surgery?

Generally, a general anesthesia is administered for the spine fusion surgery.

From where the bone graft is taken in spine fusion surgery?

The bone graft for a spine fusion surgery is either taken from the patient’s pelvis or the donor’s pelvis.

How long does a spine fusion surgery take?

Spine fusion surgery is a lengthy procedure and may take several hours.

How many days do I have to stay in the hospital for spine fusion surgery?

Usually, patients are required to stay for two days from the surgery day.

How long does it take to recover from spine fusion surgery?

Recovery from spine fusion surgery may take anywhere between three- twelve months.

When can I get back to my normal diet after spine fusion surgery?

Usually, patients are allowed to get back on a normal diet after two weeks of surgery.

What are the risks associated with spine fusion surgery?

The risks associated with spine fusion surgery are infection, bleeding, blood clot, pseudoarthrosis, poor wound healing, failed back syndrome.

What is the most serious risk associated with spine fusion surgery?

The most serious risk associated with spine fusion surgery is failed back syndrome.

When to call the doctor in case of risk?

Call the doctor immediately if the candidate has high fever, drainage from the surgical site and a persistent pain that is severe.

Does spine fusion surgery correct the disease condition?

No, spine fusion surgery does not correct the diseased condition but rather treats only the symptoms.

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