Liposuction: Uses, Surgery, Procedure, Cost, Risks, Benefits & Recovery


Liposuction is also known as lipoplasty or body contouring. It is the procedure by which fats from the body are removed with the help of a suction technique. In a lipoplasty, fats may be removed from anywhere of the body such as the abdomen or thighs.

Today, we at shall brief you about liposuction surgery, its procedure, and its risks. We will also give you information on liposuction costs in India and liposuction success rates.

Particulars Details
Cost for Liposuction in India 4, 000 USD – 4, 500 USD
Discount 10% on the above quoted price (final hospital’s bill) ONLY APPLICABLE ONLY FOR patients
Click here for exceptions and terms.
Number of days at hospital (Estimated) 2 days
Number of days in India outside hospital (Estimated) 4 days
Treatment’s Success Rate Around 72-90%
Tests required to help assess the treatment CBC, physical exam, urine cotinine test,
electrolyte check, and clotting analysis.

What is covered in the above mentioned cost for surgery?

This price includes surgery cost, doctor’s fee, standard prescribed tests and all standard expenses required at the hospital.

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About liposuction surgery

Liposuction is a method that uses the suction technique to suck out fats from certain areas of the body. This may be done as a cosmetic procedure where enhancing the contours of specific areas of the body is the main object.

Liposuction may also be done as a part of medical procedure for people suffering from lipedema, lymphedema, or any other pre-existing ailments.

Eligible candidate for liposuction

Liposuction surgery removes excessive fats only from specific areas of the body. It does not aim to remove one’s overall body fats and thus is not for people who are aiming for weight loss through this surgical procedure. This surgery is also not for people with:-

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Weak immune system

Good candidates for this surgery are people who:-

  • Have a healthy lifestyle.
  • Do not suffer from obesity.
  • Have good skin elasticity.
  • Have a good muscle tone.
  • Are non-smokers.

Aim of liposuction

A liposuction surgery may be used for removing excessive fats from:-

  • Thighs
  • Abdomen
  • Waist
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Back
  • Upper arms
  • Inner knee
  • Ankles
  • Calves

Reasons for getting liposuction surgery

The reasons for fat removal may be various. Some of the medical and cosmetic conditions that require this surgery are:-

  • Lipedema– This is a condition that mostly affects women. In this condition, excessive fats accumulate under the skins of one’s legs. Liposuction becomes a viable option for such people.
  • Lymphedema- This is a condition in which fats are built up in local areas. This occurs from an unhealthy lymphatic system which is an essential component of our body’s immune system. Liposuction may be recommended in this case to enhance one’s lifestyle and boost confidence.
  • Lipoma– In people suffering from lipomas, lumps make up fatty tissues in the body. Liposuction is conducted to correct this.
  • Gynecomastia– This is a condition in which excessive fatty tissues develop under a man’s breasts. Liposuction may be used to remove this.
  • Breast reduction– Liposuction is used to drain out the excessive fatty tissues. This is especially for those who underwent breast reduction surgery for health or aesthetic benefits.

Various techniques for liposuction

There are various methods used by doctors of contemporary times to conduct this surgery. They are:-

  • Tumescent liposuction– This method involves the use of saline solution with local anesthesia which is applied to the area to be suctioned. It reduces the chances of excessive bleeding and trauma from surgery.
  • Dry-liposuction– This is the traditional method, which does not use any fluid before performing the surgery. In this method, there are higher risks of bleeding and trauma.
  • Ultrasound liposuction– This method involves the usage of ultrasound in the cannula, a tubular device used during surgery. The ultrasound waves help loosen up fatty tissues and catalyze the process of fats suctioning.
  • Power-assisted liposuction– In this method, a special kind of cannula, which helps with loosening up fats, is used. Like ultrasound liposuction, this method too makes it easier to suction the fats.
  • Laser-assisted liposuction– In a laser-assisted liposuction, laser and heat energy is used through the cannula to melt the fats faster. This is the most non-invasive technique of liposuction surgery.

A standard liposuction surgery

In the first step, the patient is either given a local or a general anesthesia. In local anesthesia, only the region for the surgery is numbed. In general anesthesia, which is given to the patient via the IV line, the patient is entirely unconscious. The doctor decides which anesthesia to use for the patient.

The next step involves making small incisions. Following this, a local anesthesia solution is infused in the area to reduce excessive bleeding.

After that, a cannula is inserted through the incisions. Using the hand, the doctor moves this instrument in a controlled manner. This helps loosen up the fats in that area. These fats are then suctioned with the help of a syringe or surgical vacuum attached to the cannula.

The final step involves closing the incisions and sealing them with bandages.

Recovery after liposuction surgery 

If the patient has been given general anesthesia, they may be required to stay the night. In the case where local anesthesia has been administered, the patient is discharged on the same day.

The patient may wake up with bandages around the operated area. Certain medications such as antibiotics and painkillers will be injected into the body of the patient. The patient may feel numb for up to four weeks in the operated area. This is normal and improves with time. Along with numbness, other common symptoms after the operation include:-

  • Bruising.
  • Swelling at the surgical site.
  • Pain and discomfort.

Risks involved in liposuction surgery

Every surgery comes with its risk factors. Similarly, liposuction surgery also poses some risks. They are:-

1. Infection

 Infection of the skin may occur as a result of the surgical instruments used during the surgery. Symptoms of this include oozing of fluid at the surgical site. One must visit the doctor immediately if this occurs.

2. Blood clot 

Blood clots are formed sometimes, especially when the body has been static for a long duration. The clots formed could travel up to the lungs and cause serious conditions. It is therefore advised to take some time out and do some light exercises.

3. Kidney problems

Due to the fluid used before the surgery to prevent excessive bleeding and trauma, the body’s blood is subjected to some chances. These changes may cause problems in the kidney.

4. Heart problems 

Due to the fluid used before the surgery to prevent excessive bleeding and trauma, the body’s blood is subjected to some chances. These changes may cause problems in the heart.

5. Pulmonary edema

Sometimes, fluids injected in the body may accumulate in the lungs causing pulmonary edema. 

How can help?

If you have decided to travel to India for Liposuction surgery, you may contact us on our Whatsapp number +91 9818237391 or email us at The first consultation arranged by us is free of cost! We also provide visa invitation letters and help in facilitating the medical journey to India.

Throughout the journey, you shall be provided with one of our staff members for proper guidance through linguistic barriers, even though most of the hospitals and doctors we feature are well versed with Arabic, Russian,Bengali, and English.

If you have any further queries or questions related to Liposuction surgery  in India, please do not hesitate to email us at the aforementioned address.

Frequently Asked Questions about Liposuction Surgery

Can liposuction help reduce weight?

No. Liposuction is a technique to remove fats from specific areas of the body. It will not help in reducing one’s overall weight. It is best to consult a dietitian for effective weight loss techniques

What does liposuction do?

Liposuction aims to cure certain medical conditions that lead to fat accumulation in specific areas of the body only.

How long does the procedure take?

Liposuction generally takes one-two hours.

What are the tests required for this?

The tests required for this are similar to the tests required for any other surgical intervention. They may be CBC, one’s overall physical health condition, x-rays of the affected area, etc.

Is liposuction painful?

A person may feel a certain level of discomfort and pain after the surgery. However, it is a fairly pain-free procedure and is normally conducted on an outpatient basis.

How long do the effects of liposuction last?

The effects of liposuction are permanent. However, they will only last for as long as one sticks to a specific diet.

Can liposuction be performed twice?

Yes, liposuction may be performed twice in one area.

When do the results become visible?

The results of liposuction become visible after one month from the operation.

Who performs this surgery?

A certified cosmetic surgeon performs the liposuction surgery.

Which is the best technique of liposuction?

Laser-assisted liposuction is said to be the best technique for liposuction.

What are the risks of liposuction?

The risks of liposuction involve swelling, bruising, and pain. Sometimes they may lead to the formation of blood clots or heart and kidney diseases.

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